Tuesday, May 12, 2009

blogging indecision

i have so many drafts of blog posts saved - the drafts have the pictures of the food, but no text. i'm wavering back and forth, unable to decide whether to continue this blog or not, so i save these drafts... i'm not ready to delete them, but i just can't bring myself to keep posting.

today, i'm making a much-needed decision. no more blogging for me. in case you care, let me tell you the reasons why i've decided to quit my blog.

i'm not a writer by nature, and my posts usually read like a medical journal. after i started this blog, i began reading many, many, many other food blogs. the best ones are the ones that make me lose track of everything around me except what i'm reading - they make me laugh, or they encourage me to try something new in the kitchen, or they're educational without being dry. i suck at writing anything witty or captivating about life and food. really. i do. my posts often bore ME when i read them. the honest truth is that i don't care that i suck at writing, so i haven't spent any amount of time trying to improve my writing. i'd rather do other things in my free time.

which brings me to my next thought... is blogging really the best way to spend my free time? do i want to spend my spare time writing about cooking, or actually COOKING? the reality is that there aren't enough hours in the day to do all the things i want / need to anyway, so i pick and choose. and i choose not to write.

and anyway, i'm sure not adding anything special or unique or funny or interesting to the culinary world through this blog. all i've done in this blog is select a recipe, cook or bake it, and present my opinion of the final result. repeat. there are thousands, literally thousands, of blogs that do this same analysis of recipes. i'm not doing anything different from these other thousands of bloggers.

and this, my friends, brings me to my final issue with this blog - my camera is a piece of sh*t. nothing makes a crappier food blog than crappy pictures. if my writing is crappy, as it is, i could at least have beautiful pictures. that's what i really like looking at when i scroll through my blog anyway - the pictures, not the text. for those of you that weren't aware, it's called food porn in the foodie world. yes, i'm being serious.

so someday when i replace my sh*tty camera, maybe i'll start a flicker or picassa or something album of food porn. when i'm feeling depressed or uninspired, i'll look through my collection of food porn that i created and cheer myself right up. but i just can't do this writing thing. it's not fun like i expected it to be.

on that note, i'll leave you with this picture of tarragon chicken breasts with buttery leeks. yum!

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